Wednesday 7 October 2009


wow! My first ever blog.................
I said I wouldn't - never enough time to sew, let alone blog, but I'm addicted to 1 or 2 blogs by stitchers, so it seems only fair to add mine.
Currently I'm being bewitched by torn-up saris in the most beautiful colours, led on by yet another of Maggie Grey's inspiring books: this one is 'Stitches, Straps & Layers. So far I've made a small panel which I think I'll use for the front of the book cover to be made in a workshop in November; and a small wallhanging with the strips decorating a copper shim Indian elephant, made at an earlier workshop with Josephine Edge, of which much more later. This is all I can manage now - next task is to find how to add photos of the above. Isn't it great to go on learning even though one's best-before date is long past!